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Wheel of Life

One great way for you to check in with where you’re at right now and find out where you most want to create a breakthrough is to answer a few tailored questions that will generate your own personal wheel of life.

My Wheel of Life is a powerful yet simple tool that allows you to visualise all areas of your life, so you can quickly see if there are important areas that you’ve been neglecting, or things you’ve been giving too much of yourself to.  The questions only take a couple of minutes for you to complete. You’ll get your unique wheel of life instantly.  It’s free and completely confidential.

Career (1 of 9)
I love my work.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I feel my talents and skills are well used in my work.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I enjoy my work environment and the people with whom I work.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I see opportunity for growth and development in my position.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I feel like I have found my right livelihood.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Fun and Recreation (2 of 9)
I regularly take the time I need to experience play, adventure and leisure.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I know what activities renew me and bring me alive and I participate in them regularly.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I create plenty of space in my life to relax and enjoy myself and others.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I create fun for myself and others.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Money and Finances (3 of 9)
I have enough money to do the things I want to do and to accomplish the things that are important to me.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I manage my money and financial affairs and records well.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am free from worry and anxiety about money.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
My financial future feels robust and sustainable.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Physical Environment (4 of 9)
I feel nourished and supported by my home.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am surrounded by things that I love and have meaning to me.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
The level of order in my surroundings is appropriate to my needs. (it serves me)
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
My wardrobe is a clear expression of who I am. I love being in the clothes I wear.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Personal Growth (5 of 9)
I have a belief system that sustains me no matter what circumstances life throws at me.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am engaged in the unfolding story of my life and approach each day as an adventure.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I regularly experience living a life that I love and loving who I am becoming.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I regularly engage in activities and learning that grow and expand me.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Health and Well Being (6 of 9)
I approach my health in a proactive and generative way, rather than crisis management mode.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am satisfied with my level of vitality and well being.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I have support systems and structures in place that allow me to easily maintain my health and well being.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am conscious of my body and fitness level and take responsibility for my physical well-being.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I know what works for me to maintain my health and I consistently do it.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Friendships (7 of 9)
I have a sufficient number of great friends.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
My friendships nourish and sustain me.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am a good friend and I make myself available to my friendships.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I trust the relationships I have with my friends.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I love and make the most of the time I spend with my friends.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Family (8 of 9)
I am satisfied with the level of contact I have with my family.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Nothing feels hidden or witheld in my relationships with family members.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am satisfied with the role I play and the level of contribution I have in my family.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I have created the experience of family in my life, whether or not it is with my biological relatives.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
Significant Other and Romance (9 of 9)
I am open to creating an intimate loving relationship.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am free from past resentments or blame in the area of intimate relationships.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I am willing to risk myself for the sake of intimacy.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree
I create romance in my life.
Don't Agree
Highly Agree

Please enter your details below to receive your personalised wheel of life. Your results will only be seen by you and me. They are completely confidential.

Thank you for completing the questions. Your wheel of life results have been emailed to you please check your inbox.

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